Kids Are Dying, You Can Help to Stop It!
Discover How You Can Bring Jesus To Remote Indigenous Communities in 2024!
Thank You Video from our Missions Trip 
Help Spread The Gospel!
Do you know how bad the YOUTH SUICIDE rate of our indigenous people is in Australia? 

Australia's youth in remote communities are in CRISIS. Only Greenland's youth commit suicide more than our own Australian indigenous. Together we can help change the statistics by bringing them Jesus!
You can help reach the most regional indigenous areas via our satellite broadcasting that brings 11 Christian channels to every single remote home that uses VAST!

The SUPER EXCITING thing going on in Australia right now is for the first time, all the Christian channels are literally side by side and in between the normal secular TV channels on VAST, so VAST viewers can’t miss them. Isn’t that great!

VAST is a satellite that the government uses to get the ABC, SBS, CH 7, 9 & 10 to people who live in remote, blackspot and rural locations, where a TV antenna doesn’t work, so everyone can have access to normal TV. Today, there are over 1 million people watching TV this way in Australia and the majority of them are farmers and remote aboriginal communities. Sadly, these two people groups have the highest suicide rates in our country. Terrible, right?

In 2023, Instal-Life we became broadcasters, and we did a deal with Optus who owns the VAST satellite, and then we helped all the Christian channels move onto VAST. The reason they all happily moved to VAST was because they could see the importance of reaching over 1 million people, and also, we provided the service as cheap as we could, in fact we do not make any profit on the broadcasting. We want to give the million people a chance to hear the Gospel and receive the HOPE found in Jesus!
Your gift will enable Instal-Life to continue broadcasting the Gospel on VAST to bring people Jesus and reduce suicides. Please help with your BEST GIFT Today!
WHY CHRISTIAN SATELLITE TV? The Instal-Life team know that installing Christian TV is changing lives. Together we can help to eliminate &/or reduce the suicide rate in communities. 

Christian Satellite TV provides the community with access to Good News, Hope, Encouragement 24/7. It helps to lift their eyes up and away from their own situation to something & someone bigger, God. 

In 2012, we installed our first community as a trial/pilot in Mulan, WA (The Kimberley's). THE BEST NEWS: To our knowledge there has NOT been one suicide in Mulan since our installations. 

TODAY: Every single remote community receives VAST, Praise God! This is the biggest miracle and breakthrough.

We look forwards to the positive reports into the future of LIVES transformed, HOPE provided & the HOLY SPIRIT filling the people that use and watch Christian Satellite TV. 
Become a Media Missionary and take Jesus and the Good News to our more remote homes! Show LOVE, provide HOPE, and inspire FAITH!
Graphs & quotes courtesy of
Instal-Life broadcasts every Christian channel on VAST with no profit margin! We need your support to continue to do reach the lost in the Kimberley's and beyond.
Thank you for being passionate enough about the Kimberley Region, to stand with us.
We are asking for a gift, something that you would be proud of.
Will you assist us to reach the lost with a once off donation today?

Any donation over $100 will receive a free book or CD as a thank you gesture.

Please click below to make your ONCE OFF DONATION NOW securely online or call the Instal-Life office on:
1300 543 388 (AUS) or 0800 543 388 (NZ) to give a gift over the phone!
What People Are Saying:

“Western Australia leads the Aboriginal suicide rates, with 35.8 per 100,000 Aboriginal population.”.

'The extensiveness of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander suicides – 1 in 20', The Stringer

“There is a terrible crisis here but nobody in authority except the police acts as if there is a crisis.”

Gary Umbagai, chairman, Mowanjum Aboriginal Corporation

“95% of Aboriginal people in Australia who are affected by a suicide.”

Indigenous Suicide – White Comfort Politics and Survivorship', The Stringer

“80% of suicides of youth aged 10 to 24 in 2011 where the victim was Aboriginal.

Can NT's first indigenous chief minister turn back the tide?', The Age
We know indigenous are being led to the Lord & we are now reaching EVERY remote community who has VAST.  The tide is turning & the spiritual atmosphere is changing!
“When our truck enters a community, there is a buzz!” - Wayne Anderson. 
You have an opportunity to partner with us today to end Youth Suicide while bringing the Gospel via Christian Satellite TV.

Your donation & impact will be ongoing! Help us to bring the Gospel running 24/7 in these communities.

Any donation over $100 will receive a free book or CD as a thank you gesture.

Please click below to make your ONCE OFF DONATION NOW securely online or call the Instal-Life office on:
1300 543 388 (AUS) or 0800 543 388 (NZ) to give a gift over the phone!
AUSTRALIA: 1300 LIFE TV 1300 5433 88  
NEW ZEALAND: 0800 LIFE TV 0800 5433 88
Help Eliminate YOUTH SUICIDE & 
Spread The Gospel into Remote Indigenous Communities Today! 
This Is Your Chance To Be A Part Of The Solution